What is the Result Type?

The Result type is an enumeration introduced in Swift to represent the result of an operation that can either succeed with a value or fail with an error. It is particularly useful for handling asynchronous tasks, such as network requests, file operations, or any other operation that might not produce an immediate result.

Swift Docs-Result Type

The Result type has two cases:

enum Result<Success, Failure> where Failure: Error {
    case success(Success)
    case failure(Failure)
  • Success: This associated type represents the value that the operation produces when it succeeds.
  • Failure: This associated type represents the error that the operation encounters when it fails.

Why Use Result Type?

Before the introduction of the Result type, developers often relied on various error-handling mechanisms, such as throwing exceptions or using custom error types. However, this approach had its drawbacks:

  1. Clarity: Using traditional error handling could lead to unclear and convoluted code, making it difficult to understand the success or failure paths.

  2. Code Bloat: Developers had to create custom error types or throw exceptions, which could lead to an increase in boilerplate code.

  3. Safety: Error handling was not standardized, leading to potential runtime crashes if exceptions were not handled properly.

The Result type solves these issues by providing a standardized way to handle success and failure cases, resulting in code that is more concise, safer, and easier to understand.

Using Result Type in Practice

To use the Result type, you typically encounter it when working with asynchronous tasks that return data through completion handlers or async/await functions.

Example: Fetching Data from a URL

Let’s take an example of fetching data from a URL using Swift’s URLSession.

import Foundation

func fetchData(from url: URL, completion: @escaping (Result<Data, Error>) -> Void) {
    URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
        if let error = error {
        } else if let data = data {
        } else {
            let unknownError = NSError(domain: "com.example", code: -1, userInfo: nil)

In this example, the fetchData function takes a URL and a completion handler that delivers a Result type containing either the fetched data (Data) or an error (Error) in case of failure.

Handling the Result

To use the fetchData function, we can handle the result as follows:

let url = URL(string: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos")!

fetchData(from: url) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let data):
        // Process the fetched data
        print("Fetched data: \(data)")
    case .failure(let error):
        // Handle the error
        print("Error fetching data: \(error.localizedDescription)")

The switch statement allows us to handle both success and failure cases explicitly. This approach makes it clear what to expect in each scenario, leading to more maintainable code.


The Result type in Swift is a valuable addition to the language that simplifies error handling and enhances code safety when dealing with asynchronous tasks. By using the Result type, developers can create more concise and understandable code, making their applications more robust and easier to maintain.

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