What is a Subscript?

A subscript is a shortcut for accessing the elements or values of a collection, sequence, or object by providing an index or key within square brackets. It allows you to define custom behavior for retrieving and setting values using a syntax similar to array or dictionary access.

Why Use Subscripts?

Subscripts are valuable in Swift for several reasons:

  1. Convenience: Subscripts provide a natural and intuitive way to access elements or values in custom types.

  2. Readability: They improve the readability of code by allowing you to use square brackets, similar to built-in Swift collections.

  3. Customization: You can define custom subscript behavior, enabling you to work with complex data structures or customize the access to your types.

Creating Custom Subscripts

To create a custom subscript in Swift, you need to define it within a class, structure, or enumeration. Here’s the basic syntax for a subscript:

subscript(index: IndexType) -> ElementType {
    get {
        // Code to retrieve a value
    set(newValue) {
        // Code to set a value
  • IndexType is the type of the index or key you want to use.
  • ElementType is the type of the value you want to retrieve or set.

Let’s look at some practical examples:

Example : Creating a Subscript for a Stack-Like Data Structure

In this example, we create a custom subscript for a stack-like structure. You can access elements in the stack by their index using the subscript.

class Stack<T> {
    private var elements = [T]()

    // Push an element onto the stack
     func push(_ element: T) {

    // Pop and return the top element
     func pop() -> T? {
        return elements.popLast()

    // Custom subscript to access elements by index
    subscript(index: Int) -> T? {
        guard index >= 0 && index < elements.count else {
            return nil // Index out of bounds
        return elements[index]

    // Count property to get the number of elements in the stack
    var count: Int {
        return elements.count

var stack = Stack<Int>()

// Access using subscript
print(stack[0] ?? -1)

let topElement = stack[stack.count - 1] // Retrieves the top element


Subscripts in Swift provide a convenient and expressive way to access elements or values within custom types. Whether you’re building stack-like structures, or need custom access to your objects, subscripts offer flexibility and enhanced readability in your code. Consider using them to simplify interactions with your custom data structures and objects. Thanks for reading!